Monday, February 10, 2025

Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar need 18 months to implement VAT,...

Manama: Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar will need 18 months to implement Value Added Tax (VAT), according to International Monetary Fund. While Saudi Arabia and UAE...

UK’s hidden economy: Cash-in-hand payments could soon be banned

Large cash payments to tradesmen could be banned in a crackdown on the black economy. Plumbers, builders and even child-minders could be barred from receiving...

How to cash in on Britain’s bonkers tax rules

Next time you spot a gingerbread man on a bakery shelf, take a look at how he's dressed. If he's naked you won't pay...

Abu Dhabi inflation jumps with new tax, but restrained by housing

Abu Dhabi consumer price inflation more than doubled in January as the United Arab Emirates introduced a 5 percent value-added tax, with a weak...

EU tax haven blacklist set to shrink further, causing outcry

European Union states are set to remove Bahrain, the Marshall Islands and Saint Lucia from a list of tax havens next week, leaving only...

Saudi’s new expat charges – is your company footing the bill?

In July 2017, an expatriate levy came into force, as a result of which expat employees now have to pay the kingdom SAR100 each...

Saudi business community seeks expat levy amendments

The Council of Saudi Chambers (CSC), reacting to a backlash, recommended changing the recently introduced expat levy. The law is intended to help the kingdom...

Thank God you’re not an Aussie expat

If the Hockeys were “normal” expat Australians, Treasurer Scott Morrison would be about to whack them with a surprise $1.1 million capital gains tax...

Own a second holiday home in France? Get ready to pay...

Hundreds of thousands of second-home owners in France, including many British expats who’ve bought property in the country, can expect to cough up around...

Opinion: On the Saudi expat levy

Some decisions that were taken with the intention of supporting the national economy and the citizens need review. Among others, these include the expat...

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